What does your company use? I'd consider that as a starting point.

Many times, an infection is self inflicted. If it's a business machine, keep off the social sites with it. Of course, you do have clients mostly emailing and sending attachments so you need something that is strong in that area.

My business computer and my studio machine are kept off the net except when absolutely needed.

This one I'm on now is a multi-function machine. I keep my company records and billing on it and use it for limited internet access. I use Windows Security Essentials, Malware bytes, and common sense. I'm not tempted to click on things I see. That's the biggest problem people have.

I read something from one of the security experts on his site. He stated that most if not all infections come from people clicking on things they shouldn't.

Also, get a service such as Carbonite which is an automatic, in the background backup service. When you change a file, it backs you up. If you ever get hit with a bad virus or a cryptolocker, you can simply buy a new computer and reload all your saved data. It also is a life saver when.... not if.... but WHEN, your computer dies. I had a serious computer failure.... I turned it on one morning and it refused to boot. I tried everything I could to get it to boot. Safe mode didn't even work. I went to the store, bought a new computer, reloaded the basic Carbonite software, logged in and literally in a few hours of downloading, my system and business files were all up and running like nothing ever happened.

That's my advice.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.