Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hi Noel!

What a great song! Philosophical introspection with a beat!

This is so strong. The lyric is captivating and draws the listener right into the song. We think the percussions were just perfect ... and totally unexpected. You outdid yourself, my friend. Our ears are still smiling.

Wishing you the very best,

Alan & Di

Hi Di and Alan,

Thank you for taking the time. It's always great to see you both in the forum. I have to say that I like the concept of "Philosophical introspection with a beat!". That made me smile. Maybe one day I'll work out how to to do that on a regular basis! In the meantime, I'll just keep on going where BIAB takes me.

Take care and may everything good come your way,

Audiophile BIAB 2024