Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
OK...y'all need to be aware that this song killed my tea kettle. I had water on to boil, but when this song came on I had to crank up the volume and listen to it over and over. Consequently, I didn't hear the kettle whistling, and it boiled all the water out and turned the kettle red hod, melting the plastic handle. Bummer.

Very fun song, well delivered by all parties involved! Loved the guitar work, and Janice had her ABCs in order with a very Animated, Believable and Compelling performance!

You have more song-writing nerve than I do.. I'm not so sure I'd be willing (as a man) to write a song about what women want. But it certainly works as one point of view on a very complex topic!

Thanks for the review Pat. Sorry about the kettle.
