Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
What a great tradition to start. Pity if we have to wait a whole year before we get another collab between the two of you....
Very nice. Enjoyed it.

Thanks, Joanne.

Originally Posted By: animarorecords
Hello, floyd & Tom
Happy Birthdays.

Very good song with medium tempo.
I like the first chord progressions.
As Charlie said,
Great collaboration bringing on a top notch write, arrangement, dual performance and production.
Very nice vocal as always and the lead guitar line is absolutely perfect.
Very pleasant listen.

Best Regards.

Shigeki Adachi

Shigeki Adachi - thank you for the nice review... appreciate it...

Originally Posted By: 90 dB
" there's a hole the size of texas in my heart
so why won't you fall out
why won't you fall out

Great line! Happy Birthday to both of youse. (That's Jersey lingo) grin



Appreciate it, Bob...