Originally Posted By: 2bSolo
I copied a vocal track to a second track. I wanted to EQ them a little differently and add reverb to one of them,using the reverb from Audio Effects on Real Band.

The track copied and added the reverb fine. When I played it, a few measures would sound good but then I would get a measure or two of white noise.

Anyone had this problem and solved it?

What are you trying to accomplish using this method?

Copying a track for doubling or effect is not a good idea. You get phasing issues and that can result in comb filtering as well as cancellation and addition issues since the reverb will delay the frequencies and cause interference.

If you are trying to do track doubling for thickness, I would recommend recording a totally new second track and that way, the two tracks are far enough out of sync that the phasing issues are at a minimum.

I don't know what's happening in your situation, and I doubt it's related to the phase issue, but you never know. If the tracks are out of phase by 180 degrees, you will get something close to silence.

I never copy a track for the purpose of doubling. The only reason to copy a track is to use one of them in an experiment and knowing you have a clean copy in the event the experiment fails and you destroy the original.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.