What I am saying is that science and evolution use a completely non-1 syllable word vocabulary most songs use words with one syllable so I many times have searched for a 1 syllable word to replace a big science words but many science and math words don't have one syllable equivalents.
The other part is Listening gives reasons why and how ridges can be created to hold rhythm. Too many people just borrow all the time instead of playing around with more than just different camera orchestration than pan to this camera, I don't know I keep getting more creative and I kind of process with certain expectations. I do have a disability too so that may make me harder to understand because words explain concepts and I keep adding them and building deeper relationships to things. Now actually concentrating to personalize musical setups that I am weak in. But I still designate time to try to score parts 2 or 3 times a week for an hour or so. I hope this clears things up. I kinow the process but my concentration up until now has not let me do it. like inserting bars between all the staves and substituting in alternative parts Punching in zones. I haven't yet got the concentration for it but I understand what the complete work up looks like. I really am trying to be more than a dabbler.