Were I a "real" song writer I would sit down today and write a tune like this to Janice. Of course then I'd have to be a singer also smile

Steve said "For us "long-timers", this song paints a very good illustration of our sentiments..." And I say "indeed."

Every line is so supportive of the message -- no fillers, no fluff... just a beautifully written lyric. Toss in the vocal/guitar performances, the perfect choice of RealTracks and your signature "everything in the right place" mix and as floyd said a "you never miss" production.

Guess this is my day to quote -- not because I'm lazy but because others stated my feeling so well. So as Noel said. "To my ears, your writing is sparkling fresh, your singing is easy-listening and very enjoyable, and your productions are vibrant and rich with clarity and purpose. In all honesty, I cannot imagine how it would be possible to improve on what you present."

Janice adds that like this tune your songs are so "singable" and that's a description that means much to her.

Outa the park!