
Be aware that the updated ARIA GUI is not the ONLY plugin that you will have issues with, in BIAB/RB 2014. Any VSTi/VST that does, or can be, dynamically resized at opening (the plug-in does teh resizing - not PG) seems to have issues. And like John said, these were reported and FIXED with a patch the year they were reported (I know I reported TWO myself).

Another example that WILL NOT have a workable GUI in BIAB/RB 2014 is the newest Roland Sound Canvas VA (not to be confused with ANY OTHER, AND OLDER, Roland SC VSTi/DXi SC plugin).


You'll have same issues with that GUI as well - only in this case you can't expand window DOWN to get at the 16 parts!

I have other (NON PG software), and not all of it is music/DAW related, where features, bugs, plugins, etc. only work in a NEWER version of their SW, so it's not that just PG.

Good Luck


Win10Pro,i9,64GB,2TBSSD+20TBHDDs,1080TI,BIAB'24,Scarlett18i8,Montage7,Fusion 8HD,QS8,Integra7,XV5080,QSR,SC-8850,SPLAT,FL21&others,Komp.14,IK suite&others, just a guitar player-AXE FX III &FM9T, FishmanTP, MIDIGuitar2, GK2/3'sw/GI20