1280 X 720. All of those RB tool buttons are covered by my computers task bar. I think it has something to do with my screen being my older Emerson HDTV 32 inch Flat Screen and the compromise setting I found so that I don't have to change anything when I unplug the HDMI big screen and use only my laptop screen.
I set my task bar to auto-hide and reveal when I move the cursor down there quickly. But, I often move too quick and have to wait for it to auto-hide again to access items in my programs. Same issue with Reaper. The transport is partly behind my task bar. I've come to tolerate it.

My previous reply was intended to help anyone who could not find the Record Mixer Moves button in case they had a similar issue.

It would be nice if RB went into a vertical and horizontal scroll bar when changing size. But, as far as I know it does not. Or, better yet; a total resize/reshape when changing size.

Does the noise in your head bother me ?