I’m searching for a convincing and reliable method to get vocal harmony with BIAB during live performances. My tunes cover the spectrum from jazz, country, pop, Broadway, and whatever. I found some forum discussion on this issue several years back and the conclusions seemed iffy and technical at that time----most of which, I didn’t understand. Has this issue improved with the 2017 upgrade? In the “hardware” section, PG Music recommends the use of the TC Helicon products. I’m wondering if anyone is using such gear with BIAB and how well does it work in live settings? I’m not sure how to connect such a vocal harmony box to the laptop. Furthermore, the midi output channel that’s mentioned------how well does it work? Does every chord in the song arrangement get transmitted accurately? Would jazz chords be sent and work just as well as basic triads? Do these vocal harmony units pick up moving, passing chords? I wish there was a good tutorial on this matter, showing step by step how to set up a unit, such as the Voice Live 3 with BIAB. I’d appreciate any comments from those with experience with these outboard units and their use with BIAB.