I am lost as to the purpose of converting real tracks to MIDI. It seems a step backwards.

My understanding was that Real Tracks were introduced to give BIAB (and RB) quality sounds through recording of real musicians playing real instruments that didn't have the 'stiff' computer generated MIDI sound. While some of the instruments may have been midi and could produce charts, other had to have charts transcribed from the audio. In either case, the resulting charts would not have the colour of the original recording. They might be great to see the notes that were being played, but not much else.

The only reasons I can see to use the midi version of the RT would be to modify the notes or to change the instrument. But once you change the notes, you no longer have the same track, and changing the instrument, from say a guitar to a clarinet, seems counter productive.

But to each his own. I just don't see this as a positive change to the program

BIAB for Windows Version 2019 (643)
Windows 10 (1909)