Windoze: AKA Windows 10:) A sluggish operating system that can cause indigestion:) Some users swear by Windoze, other swear at it:)

These days I mostly fall into the latter camp, although many moons ago I made good money developing software, including device drivers, for Windoze.

Win10 was so bad on my wife's HP desktop that I replaced the hard drive with a fresh one and installed Linux Mint 18.x.

Performance on the same hardware shot through the roof, software updates are no longer glacial without the "don't turn your computer off" cycles on shutdown and startup. Rarely do you need to reboot when doing software updates on Linux, only when updating the kernel.

The DVD drive that Windoze 10 had stopped recognizing after a Redmond update was just fine under Linux Mint. I had tried all the online hacks to get the DVD drive recognized under Windoze 10 with no success.

We had a problem with Windoze breaking the HP driver for my wife's HP photosmart printer. A new driver from HP worked around it, but was a bit of a pain to install. About a month or so later a Windows update finally caught up with the new printer driver.

Linux Mint instantly recognized my wife's printer and installation was extremely simple. This is the case with Linux these days on reasonable hardware. And icing on the case Linux is not always phoning home with your personal information or usage unless you give permission.