Well, once again, I find myself calling upon the Forum Mind to help me solve a BiaB problem. Y'all never let me down, so hear goes again.

I have a bunch of BiaB songs I've collected over the years. When I browse through the songs using the songpicker, over to the right there are columns with one-letter abbreviations. One of the columns is "L" and I've been assuming the "L" is for lyrics and that if there's an L associated with this song, it has lyrics. Is this a valid assumption?

When I load one of these songs, on the bottom right I get the message in the subject: Line based lyrics have been converted to bar based lyrics. It doesn't matter if I have the song set up to show just the chords or if I have the Notation window toggled, where just four bars are displayed at a time.

Problem is, lyrics are never displayed. Now I can recall in the past that lyrics would be displayed -- by "in the past" I mean with earlier versions of BiaB. The last version I upgraded to before 2017, which is installed now on my Win7 machine, was -- I think -- 2014. And I can recall as recently as a few months ago -- with 2017 -- seeing songs in which lyrics were displayed. But now none are being displayed.

I've clicked on that message that displays on the bottom right -- like it tells you to do -- which generates a pop up window, Overrides (also found at Options/Preferences/Overrides), to see if I had something set screwy, but it doesn't appear that I have.

I even went to Options/Preferences/Big Lyrics and clicked on "Auto open lyrics window for songs with lyrics." Didn't make any difference.

So what am I missing? Is there a control somewhere that I got set wrong such that lyrics aren't being displayed anymore? I'm assuming that, of the literally dozens of songs I've loaded that indicate they have lyrics, at least one of them would have lyrics to display. Yes?