Hi Noel,
Thanks for your interest in my problems.

I did everything that you suggested but the problem remains and I get exactly the same error messages. There is still no midi sound because the Coyote WT synth is not playing.

Running as an administrator, selected from the start-up icon, did not appear to change anything.

Using the procedure you outline, Coyote WT does not appear to be changed from what was originally in the Program Files (x86), except for uninstall. The list under Coyote, CoyoteWT is:

Name Date Modified Type Size
CoyoteWT 14/02/2010 11.40... Compiled HTML 17 KB
CoyoteWT.dll 26/03/2011 2.32PM Application extens 232 KB
License 21/03/2011 10.24... Text Document 4 KB
ReadMe 20/03/2011 2.01PM Text Document 1 KB
RegDXi 15.02/2010 10.51... Windows Batch File 1 KB
unins000.dat 16/10/2017 9.13AM DAT File 15 KB
unins000 16/10/2017 9.12AM Application 705 KB

Should I expect all the dates to change to today's date if the reinstallation is successful? Or did the installation procedure not change them because the files were okay? Whatever, it does not produce any sound on my Melody track in Band-in-a-Box.

The bb file on Audiophile D has changed to today's date.

After the Band-in-a-Box complete installation failed a couple of times, I tried installing just the Coyote GM Wavetable synth from the main Band-in-a-Box Help Menu. That did not make any difference either - as per last time.

Could it be that what I have installed is "Not a valid VST Plugin" as one of my error messages suggests and I mentioned in my first post?

Grah Jive Talk
"Don't worry baby, they'll swing their arses off."