I would start with a blank 4/4 style and then add each RealTrack from scratch. Drums seem to be basic 4/4 Rock pattern. Then start with a "strum" search in the RealTrack search for a basic guitar strum pattern backing.

Then try fingerpick search or rock for an E. Guitar pattern and go from there.

If you have the tempo, feel and correct chordal layout, you are already 1/2 way there and simply build your style that way.


Try typing a band/song search in the style list for a band that sounds familiar to the song you are attempting to produce.

I like to do mine from the ground up by starting with a blank style and then selecting each style/RT part. Biab has some fantastic "basic" RT's (strum/pick/fingerpick/barre) to start with.

Good luck,
