
I have been puzzling over your problem and there is one thing that you need to try.

When you install the program, it's necessary to have full access to areas that the User Account Control blocks.

To get that access, do the following....

1. During the installation of BIAB, disable UAC (User Account Control). UAC presented problems for me when I had Vista and it took me a while to work out what to do.

To disable UAC, go to the below link and follow the instructions for "Method #4 - Using Control Panel".

Windows will tell you that disabling UAC is not advisable, etc., but it's only temporary. So ignore any of the doom and gloom messages Windows will give you.

When you reboot your computer to engage the disabled UAC, it might be worthwhile disabling your internet connection. That will reduce any potential problem with viruses. (I've never done this but it is a precaution.)

2. When the computer has rebooted, right-click on the installer exe and select "Run as administrator".

3. Between having UAC disabled and using "Run as administrator" the BIAB installation will definitely be able to write/copy the necessary DLLs and registry details.

I suspect that when you installed both the first and second times, the installer didn't have suitable read/write/copy permissions and couldn't do all that was required because it was blocked by Windows.

4. Once BIAB is installed, and with UAC off, try running BIAB by using "Run as administrator".

Is that any better?


Audiophile BIAB 2024