desires changed mid-stream, John. I initially wanted just a shot on the downbeat for stop time choruses. But your method (and the "H" method dialogue needed) both worked so well, I realized that having shots at different parts of the beats could open possibilities of playing along with various accented "shot-beats" through a song.

Then came the realization ( with your 'my bad' post) ....that this is not a piece of cake—for there must be existing designated chords ALREADY on those beats in EVERY measure... in order to copy the initial special measure with the desired shots....or they simply won't copy.

But a simple additional checkbox in the Copy Special dialogue could tell the program to "Copy special" all desired shots and rests...and
1. USE THE FIRST BEAT CHORD....of the "bars being copied to" for ALL the chord-shots being duplicated into that bar.

Some will say "This sounds more like a STYLE you're creating.... than a shot/rest/push function." And I see the validity of that argument. But the coding is so close already, that checkbox would open rhythmic possibilities without having to create a new style from scratch.