Yeah, this release has given me headaches and at one point I had give up...

For some reason, the download manager showed that some files were not available for download, as if they were already on my computer. I had to download them directly from my account. There were realtrack, mega pak realtrack, bonus pak and video realtrack files to download that were not on my computer.

The instrument files for sforzando were also missing, hence it wouldn't work.
Then Coyote plugin was a real pain in the butt... I could see the .dll file but the plugin refused to load. Tried reinstalling it from within biab without success. And when I was closing biab 2018, I was getting "This program stopped working..." message, crashing. I accidentally stumbled on the fix while I was exploring the help menu... were it let you read all the pop up messages that appear at the lower-right of the monitor (the yellow box).

It turns out that link opens up a Notepad txt file, displaying a log of what's been happening during a session in biab. THERE IT WAS!

Basically the message was suggesting to the user to rename a BIAB configuration .txt file within the c:\bb folder and then to restart the program.

Then I was able to use coyote and getting sound from midi tracks, and on closing the program it behaved as it should, no crashing.

Now I am having another problem... I can't seem to be able to load HELIX NATIVE vst plugin, not sure if it is supported.

Anyone use it in BIAB?