Dear "gruverider"...

Man, let me tell you something, and I mean right now. I compose music mostly in the jazz genre, and there is no way in the world I would EVER, ever have imagined Ms. Belladonna's lyrics for "Bottom Dollar Blues" being set in a big band arrangement. This has got to be one of the most original takes on a set of lyrics that I've ever heard. Step up, step up to the podium and accept your award, "gruverider"!!!

Your music combined with Ms. Belladonna's vividly descriptive lyrics makes the song sound as though it was composed during the 30's at the height of the Depression, when damn near every American was suffering from the real "Bottom Dollar Blues" and attempting to lift their spirits a little by listening and dancing to upbeat numbers such as "We're In The Money". It would have been a sure hit because your danceable, cheek-to-cheek, smooth-as-silk arrangement would have enabled folks to put just enough distance between themselves and the hard reality of their Depression-era woes so that they could look down at them -- if only for no longer than the time it took to dance to it -- rather than look forward to more suffering, which was certain.

I tip my hat to your originality, "gruverider". Bravo -- and would you ask the waiter to bring us more champagne with that order of caviar, please laugh ???


Last edited by bluage; 01/28/18 11:30 AM.

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".