
I am going to agree with Bob on this. And of course to Herb's point, we should tune our guitars. And try and sing on pitch IF we can. smile

BUT--I learned a lesson on this a long time ago. I wrote a certain song and some people said "Man, that gave me goosebumps. It was kind of lo fi, and it wasn't by the book, but dang, it was strong."

Then a group of song evaluators had a long list of things I needed to do and change. I did it. Finally, after about 11 versions they said it was "professional" now. I let my friends listen to it.

They said: "Man, they took a beautiful thing and turned it into garbage."

They were right. I couldn't live with myself until I deleted the professional version and went back to the very first one where I sounded like I meant it.

Sometimes sounding like you mean it is everything, and sometimes you can fiddle around with stuff WAY too much.

So if that is what Bob is saying, I say, yeah.
