Originally Posted By: Noel96
This is an incredible arrangement. I can't even begin to imagine how much time you've spent harmonising, compiling and layering these instruments and vocals. The end result is the ultimate definition of 'first class music'. Quite honestly, I'm in awe with what you've managed to accomplish.

Hi, Noel.

Thanks! laugh

There are basically 3 additional melody parts, three harmony parts, and three more high harmonies. Normally I like to leave harmony parts alone as much as possible, but there were plenty of flubbed parts. The high harmonies had initially been octave doubles of the melody, but I re-pitched them into harmony parts.

I'd initially left the high harmonies out of the mix because I wanted to add some contract between the verses and choruses, which are already too similar. But I couldn't resist putting them back in.

Since Joanne Cooper posted a blog on creating harmonies in Melodyne, I'll give a shout-out to Waves Tune, which is what I'm using. The GUI is more cramped, but if you're on a budget, you'll get more bang for the buck.

While it's not really the mastering plugin's job to brighten a mix, I found a preset in Ozone 7 Elements that did a good job of bringing out the high end of the mix. It was a tough call between a preset that "glued" the vocals a bit more, or this one, which is perhaps a bit to "fizzy" on the top end.

I also used the free Ozone Imager, which did a nice job widening the stereo field.

Thanks again!

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?