Hi Ember,

Sometimes I write lyrics for a first verse and/or chorus and sometimes a complete first draft of lyrics before massaging the words to fit a chord progression and melody. This is where my writing those 150 words of sense-bound prose that I mentioned in your other thread is very useful.

Sometimes I set a drum beat going in BIAB and write lyrics against the rhythm.

Occasionally I'll find a style that I like in BIAB, add chords and write lyrics to fit the chord progression while it plays over and over.

I rarely write a melody, or melody and chords, and try to fit lyrics to that melody.

When I've created a first draft of a complete song, music and lyrics, I then work on how I can strengthen what I've got. During this phase of the process, some of my creations change substantially, some only change slightly.


Audiophile BIAB 2024