
I saw the video and I don't think it makes a lot of sense--to me. Since I am going for music wanted. They have to pay their start up light bills and listen to a lot of songs and pay their kids at least $12 an hour so they can vet them before they send the songs to a music supervisor or their name will be mud. I get that. I have no problem with 4.99 for 250 credits.

I just like having the cues to write to every day--it is forcing me to write fast, hooky, punchy and get 'er done. I am also trying to flex muscles I haven't tried to flex in a while. And it is forcing me to get serious about mixing, and that is good for me.

So that alone is worth it--the fun factor. And if you have looked around, there is some serious talent on that site. You're in good company.

Again, if they aren't lying that they have sent 20 songs from me in the past two weeks to music supervisors they can keep taking my 4.99. It's a cup of coffee. Go for it. I am having fun.

The other place you mentioned I feel and always have felt is a total rip.