Originally Posted By: Marty Sorensen
I printed the manuals, and I realize it's not for everybody, and I hope I'm not in trouble, but I went to CreateSpace, which I already use, and uploaded the pdf, in two parts because it's so long, and created a simple book, 8.5 x11, and printed a proof copy and then let it go at that. It's not for sale, no one else can see it,it's not available on CreateSpace nor on Amazon or anywhere else. It cost me six bucks for a one-time proof, well, twelve altogether.


Very creative solution. Kudos!

The core program hasn't really changed much over the years so, after learning to navigate its main features, it is only necessary to learn the newest features each year. That approach will simplify user's lives a lot.

There have been many great suggestions in this thread. Try them before complaining. Devote as much time to this fabulous TOOL as you did to learning your instrument, the rewards are well worth the effort.