Thank you Matt and Noel! Mission accomplished!
Noel, I did as you advised, and what was labeled as a piano track is now labeled Melody, which makes a lot more sense since that is where the melody is.

Then I followed Matt's instructions (which are nicely illustrated in Noel's 3rd diagram, and it changed the sound of the melody one octave higher without changing the notation.

I wanted to do it because I am using the "Sobbing Cello" style for the folk/country song "Four Strong Winds", and the melody was not standing out very well from the cello accompaniment. Since the thing I am making is for playing along with, it shouldn't really matter that the melody was subtle, but I thought perhaps someone who was unfamiliar with the melody might get confused.

Here is another example where I used Sobbing Cello, and someone on the harmonica forum I post on commented that I was not using the standard melody for "All the Pretty Little Horses". I wonder if perhaps they were listening to the cello accompaniment (which I think is very pretty) instead of the melody.

I didn't want to change the notes (on the staff) on what I am working on now, because on my chromatic harmonica I'm already playing the notes an octave higher than they are written. The first book I used said this was the correct way to do it, but it is not, of course. But it does prevent having a lot of notes that use ledger lines far above the staff. If I moved the notes up an octave I'd end up playing them an octave higher than I want to, and my dogs don't like that :-)

The chromatic harmonica (the 16 hole version) has 4 octaves of notes, and each octave follows the same pattern of blows and draws. So I should be able to jump up or down an octave easily but I find if quite confusing if I am not playing on the part of the harmonica that I have learned to associate with the notes on the staff. I also include chromatic harmonica tabs since some players use tabs instead of reading music. (One tab reader told me they were learning to read music from my videos!)

Thanks again for the help!