Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
This ia an ambitious and impressive effort. Excellent recording and the mix sounds good. I like how Miram Webb's voice fit into the mix.

Thank you Jim.
Miriam's vocal & melody are the principal features of the song - she was recorded with reverb printed to tape so I had to build the sounds to accommodate that more than anything else.
Miriam's cello playing is great so I worked to incorporate that as much as possible. My own cello playing is rather of the musical saw variety but I did manage to use a fair bit of it.
Old &/or fairly cheap mics did the trick for this. The guitars were recorded into a tiny condenser with a nanotube hand made by Naiant Studios - it costs about US$40 but the fellow doesn't make them anymore - he makes a range of excellent mics and such but has moved on in the decade or more since I bought mine.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe