Great video!

I'm with David on this. I'm thinking he would maybe agree with my comments and have some additional as well.

I thought all this stuff was right on target. It is similar to book writing. You gotta know the rules.

This does two things.

First, helps you to know what to do to meet an expectation.

Second, helps you know what to do to avoid an expectation.

Both are REALLY important.

1. Listen to A LOT of music.
Things you like and even some you may not be fond of just yet. It helps gain knowledge, appreciation and application of the "knowing the rules."

2. Practice my butt off.

Practice to improve. Some people practice their mistakes over an over. Even if it's 1/100th of a percent, push yourself and learn the discipline that comes with it. I believe, Eddie would preach this one!

3. Write a song EVERY DAY.

This works for David and many, many others. Notice he didn't say write a masterpiece everyday. I would bet at least 1 song in 10 years for David turned out to be a "masterpiece for the trash?" wink But from that, many gems were born!

I don't see any other way to learn this stuff.

Immersion baby. It's a powerful tool.

Once you learn the rules in that video it turns into work. Fun work, but work.

Labor of love? Right on! The challenge and satisfaction that goes with it are a unique feeling. It's were true personal or even group victories come from.

Writing a good catchy song is HARD.

If it sounds like it was easy, that means it was even harder.

So.The.Truth. Preach it Reverend Snyder!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.