Originally Posted By: MarioD
Icelander you nailed the campfire music so well that I almost started to make smores!
NIce piece of running with the analogy there, heh... I guess I'll be making the cocoa, then!
Originally Posted By: MarioD
The hardest pieces of music to mix properly are the less dense ones..
Indeed, and trust it to our "Mr. Midi" man to pick up on this one, where the addition of midi sound makes that observation even more true. I myself only came to that whole "making things more difficult for myself" realisation after I was well past the point of no return crazy

Glad to still get that vote of confidence on the outcome from the Man of Midi. Really means a lot, thank you.

Last edited by Icelander; 08/13/18 11:49 AM. Reason: Correcting mistakes

There's only one thing to do in crisis like this - Sleep on it!
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