Hi Rayc.

I always accept critics when they're presented in a nice way.
Said that, I was not 100% happy with the strings.
I would've preferred a warmer presence of strings and a better integration with the piano, but I don't know very good how to use Studio One 3....
With a full time job, 2 kids and a wife, is difficult to achieve the sound I want in a few sessions.
I just don't have time, and if I wait longer to finish the song, is very probable that I'll never finish it.
Anyway, for me, uploading the music "the better way I manage to do it in a couple of days" is the better thing I can do it to keep composing...

Thank you again!

Originally Posted By: rayc
Originally Posted By: EMG
Thank you rayc
Interesting points...
I'll try to do better.
Thank you

Originally Posted By: rayc
2.20 is a long set up.
I'd gone beyond anticipation to almost giving up on hearing a guitar.
The guitar was cooooool when it finally arrived.
I don't know about the strings/orchestra following the main theme so closely.
The little trills don't quite work - too long/slow I think.
Nice guitar work.

Hello again. If you'd not mentioned the guitar it wouldn't have been an issue for me. having heard you play & seen the reference I anticipated it which goes to the long set up comment.
Nevertheless it is cool stuff.

My music: https://soundcloud.com/ermar-gamar
My stuff: Stratocaster '89, PRS SE Santana, Digitech RP90 Multi Effect, Vocalist Live 3, Digital Piano Korg SP, Studio One 3.5, Presonus Audiobox, BB 2018