I've recently become a Band in a Box junkie, and I'm using it to do live renditions of all sorts of songs for my band which consists of me (sax) and a great drummer and BIAB. Rich is an excellent drummer and I'd like to make space for him to take live drum solos in my BIAB arrangements. Currently, we just mute the drum patches and Rich is the drummer. I've started hashing out the particulars with him and it dawned on me that I may be re-inventing the wheel. Maybe some one on the Forum has already done this and would be willing to share their thoughts and experiences. I've tossed around the idea of simply making silent space in the song but that requires that Rich be perfect on his solo ending and come in preciscely with the rest of the BIAB band. So, I thought about adding a click during the solo or maybe a bass note on beat one of each measure or a lead in a few measures before the full band comes back in again. I don't want to mess up the drum solo but I also don't want to train-wrech the whole tune.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Nate Watson