Originally Posted By: bluage
Dear "Noel96"...

The title, "Deciduous Love", sent me to a dictionary to learn the definition of the word "deciduous": falling out at maturity, according to Wikipedia. It describes nearly perfectly the bittersweet, yearning, and loss-laden feel and texture of your lyrics.

The Real Tracks harmonica track is achingly soulful. It really cries out from the heart of your song.

"Noel96", your songs, make me want to sing your songs. They always have an inner life that makes for good musical storytelling.


LOREN (a.k.a. "bluage")


I don't know what to say to your wonderful comments! I have to tell you, though, that the day that I read them, I went to work with a really huge smile on my face. I'm not sure that my songwriting is anywhere near as accomplished as you say but I'm very grateful that you made the comments. Thank you smile

I really appreciate hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Audiophile BIAB 2024