Right, looks like it's time to whip out a checklist:

1. First be sure you've actually "told" BBox that there is this new plugin in your collection, i.e. located it from within BBox. Presuming you know and have done so...

2. Make sure that you can bring up the interface of the plugin from within BBox itself.

If those two pivotal items are all done and seemingly in order, then it's time for fine-combing for eccentricities, such as if the plugin needs to manually be set to receive incoming data on a specific channel (in which case should almost always work on channel 10).

Again, let me know.

Last edited by Icelander; 09/18/18 11:13 AM. Reason: Correcting mistakes

There's only one thing to do in crisis like this - Sleep on it!
BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)