Hi floyd,

What an excellent song (again)!

Everything about this gleams…. your composing, your singing, the arrangement, the production…. everything! It’s a great hook, too. Before I listened to the song, I sat here for a couple of minutes reflecting on the title. It’s amazing how those three words, “White Line Lullaby”, open a treasure chest of lyric possibilities.

Some of the thoughts that occurred to me as I reflected were: highway, cars, trucks, long-distance driver, cocaine, lulled to sleep, jet stream, sports field, athletics track, crest of an ocean wave, surfing, wake of a boat, etc…

Then I started reading your lyrics and discovered that the ‘white line lullaby’ is about a restless soul who is unable to settle down and relationships. This twist was not something that occurred to me! Nice!

Those first four lines in verse 1, are powerful!

the soul of a bandit, a rodeo heart
the highway in my shoes
one eye on the front door
a suitcase full of blues

These are amongst the best ‘showing’ lines that I have ever read.

Rather than just saying “he’s a constantly restless man who lives by his own set of rules”, you’ve painted a truly inspired picture of this guy. By the end of line four, this man was firmly planted in my mind as a 3-D, fully believable character. At that point, I couldn’t have stepped out of the song if I wanted to. As I see it, that’s very strong writing indeed. Being able to ‘show’ character traits as clearly as you have in this song is a skill that I’m still practising. Maybe one day…

In the meantime, it’s great to have you here in the forum to show me how it’s done!

I totally enjoyed listening to this (a few times).

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024