thank you for doing that! I understand what you're saying about how it works now but crossing all fingers (and toes) in the hopes that future Biab versions will do a bit more of these automatic conversions with chord functions (and who knows, maybe even more modes other than just major and minor). Working with chord functions is I think incredibly rewarding, yet it's quite a chore because always looking up takes time and can lead to confusion, but this is EXACTLY where the magic of programming/software/Biab could find an amazing niche of awesomeness by taking this and doing it for the users.

A further example of what I'm talking about would be say the topic of this video , the jazzy 2,5,1 progression, the advantages of thinking about it like that, and the pluses of going from major to minor... in all of these places it would be very veeery nice (and afaik a unique feature) for Biab to be aware (on a deeper level than the base note) of the functionality of chords.

Using something as powerful as say this with Biab understanding and always converting the numbers to the correct chords depending on major/minor/modes would bring Biab a huge edge in bridging from music theory to awesome songs.