Originally Posted By: gruverider
Engaging opening

Wonderful Rhumba Blues! Inspirational!

Love your panning choices and the entire mix

Super vocal lead and background (and love the whispers too)

great write, vivid, colorful, and seductive

much enjoyed!

Really appreciate the positive comments about the mix, means a lot coming from a mix master such as yourself! Thanks!

Originally Posted By: Teunis
Good song with a truly excellent feel, beautifully sung, with really nice guitar. Well mixed, mastered and presented. I reckon this is one of the better songs I’ve heard on the forums. But then, what would I expect? Well done, keep it up.


Cheers, Tony!

Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss
Very nice Dave! This totally works! Guitar is killer as always and what a vocal! There is some really catchy stuff going on in here! Thanks, Torrey

Thanks for the listen and comments, Torrey! Love your latest!