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Good story,rharv.

No big deal, but just wanted to say that most of the folks who disaggree on various topics around here are good, well intentioned people, IMHO. Maybe because the USA has such a high profile and everyone seems to have an idea of what goes on here that we get critisized the way we do. It's understandable and reasonable. Perhaps if we here in the USA knew anything about small contries like Scotlad, Austria, ect. , we could level some constructive critisizm your way and not have to feel like it's so one sided. lol....but the 24/7 news cycle here is pretty insular....unless something catostrophic happens somewhere else, we're not gonna know about it, generally speaking.

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I guess part of the problem for me is that the USA is the only government that gets critisized around here. And it's almost always Europeans doing it.

Find a new target for your criticism! We're tired of it.


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And if you ever move here, don't put a Glock under your pillow. Put a Smith & Wesson revolver under there.

It never jams and there's no safety to slow you down.


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Woow! Please show me the post(s) where I criticised the USA. As far as I know on this forum I have allways kept myself from getting into politics.

Yes, I did point out that some people jump to conclusions very quick and/or feel offended far to easy. And you are right that people all over the world have all kinds of opinions about the USA. Here in Europe we watch the USA, keep track of the main political issues and the finacial situation. We also watch the rest of Europe, and the rest of the world for that matter. If one tries to place himself into another persons situation, one might understand from which angle that person's looking at certain things. This way one can understand why that person would think and act a certain way. And one can place all into perpective.

Now back to my opening: show me the offending posts where I critisized the USA.

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As far as choise of weapon: the Glock holds more ammo, is quicker to reload and has a quick-aim. Just aim and hit.

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I would like to add some more fuel to the inferno.

What was is was, and what is is. The world may owe us a debt of gratitude for what was done 60 years ago, or 50, or even 40 years ago, depending on where you are. They may also, while not willing to admit it, owe us something for what we continue to do today, even if they don't agree with it.

However, too many times I've seen 'the ugly American' both here and abroad raise their heads and shame our country and what we stand for, just by their attitude. How can people from other countries act when we have people who are plain jackasses? Our government is often times no better. Shit falls down, not up, although it may rise up from the underlying current or content below it. So, we can have it in our country, and at our top levels of government, and Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, I think we can safely say that over the past 20 years, we've had a lot of shit at the top of the heap. Last time I checked, it isn't any cleaner.

We aren't the great country we once were. Our 'Bread and Circus' form of welfare has guaranteed that. Someone stated earlier that we do help the needy, meaning the low income. Yup, we do. And often time that help is into a comfortable chair where that person or family stays, working the system because it's easy. We DO see crime, and lots of it, coming from these type of people. Been there, done that, thank God I'm gone. Not that I was ever a criminal, but I was low income, working my butt off to make something of myself, but I lived around and with these people, and I saw first hand how much crime is associated with welfare. When that is reported on the news, it's hard to think about how great we once were.

I wonder what percentage of European people would go to work and not lock their homes, and what percentage of Americans would do the same.

I make no claim that Europeans are better than Americans, or Americans are better than anyone else, even if it so seems to come across that way.

On the other hand, for over the last 100 years, it seems that the U.S. has been the big brother, world police officer, and breadbasket for the needy. So, I also would wonder what might happen if the United States stopped doing the things we've done for so long, protecting others, offering aid and humanitarian relief. I wonder what it would be like if we stopped providing arms to countries that we are allied with, or even convienently associated with. At the beginning of World War II, most of the United States felt that it was a 'European' problem and to leave us out of it. Of course, those in Washington knew better, and provided all sort of help, from 'Lend/Lease' to actual military intervention before we were 'officially' in the war. Imagine what that would be today, if we adopted that policy.

I get a little antsy at the rhetoric that spews forth Anti-Americanisms, but then again, some of them are very well deserved, and I can't blame someone for calling them like they see them, especially when they're true. I just wish my own countrymen would get their heads out of their asses and look around them, and look at the impending doom.

In 1977, I attended a teaching in Virginia Beach, Va., taught by what I considered to be the most educated man in the Bible and God's Word at that time, and he told us that things that had happened in the previous two years had already launched this country over the cliff, and that we would not recover from it before we crashed. For thirty years since, I have continued to watch our country careen out control, toppling end over end as we plunge ever faster and faster towards the rocks below. When it will all happen, I do not know, but that it will, I have no doubt.

At that point, I wonder what the world will do.


I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!
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Depending on how many targets you have, a S&W revolver, in the right caliber, will do as much, or more damage, than a Glock, especially in 9mm. Personally, I like .357 Magnum. However, my choice is my reliable 1911A1 .45. If you're in a situation where you need to reload, and you're inside your house, you're already dead.


I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!
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I wonder what percentage of European people would go to work and not lock their homes, and what percentage of Americans would do the same.

I think you'll find no difference. Going to work without locking your home: BAD idea. (unless you're into Russian Roulette)


I make no claim that Europeans are better than Americans, or Americans are better than anyone else, even if it so seems to come across that way.

That's why they invented the Olympic Games and all sorts of World Cups. The person on the top step wearing the gold medal is the best. peroid. That is, untill the next tournament.

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When I said "find a new target for your criticism", I wasn't directing that at you personally. It was directed toward all of the anti-Amercican garbage I've read here over the years.

So I offer my apologies to you for making it seem as if I was talking about you. I can't think of a single instance where you were one of the America bashers. Poor wording on my part.

Now, as far as the choice of guns go, all semi-automatics jam at one one time or another. I own revolvers, semi's, shotguns and rifles.
IMHO, a revolver is the best choice to keep under your pillow. It will always fire when you pull the trigger.

Take care Mike,

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For thirty years since, I have continued to watch our country careen out control, toppling end over end as we plunge ever faster and faster towards the rocks below. When it will all happen, I do not know, but that it will, I have no doubt.

At that point, I wonder what the world will do.


If it happens, what the world will do then Gary, is blame America for having the audacity to crash and burn. Who will help them then? Who will be the first on the scene after a natural disaster? Who will offer billions in aid to Africa to fight aids? Which ally will step forward when they are attacked? Who will spend billions in their countries to feed the hungry? Where will the billions of tax dollars from hard working Americans be?

It will all be our fault...........according to the world. Their "breadbasket" will be gone.


Last edited by bobcflatpicker; 12/27/09 06:02 PM.
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It's all good. I guess I jumped up too quickly. Should've read better.

Back to guns: I guess I've gotta do some targetpractice with a revolver then. Never fired one of those yet.

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...Which ally will step forward when they are attacked?..

Well, as I see it we Brits have always stepped up to the bar when asked to do so. We’re losing a soldier a day doing so at this very moment in the Middle East. Thanks friend, so much for the special relationship...

I haven't been taking part in this forum for a long while now precisely because of the massive anti-anything-not-American vitriol that gets spewed forth at the drop of a hat. If a post so much as whiffs of criticism of the US, out come the Bubbas, all guns blazing. Free speech? Nah, not when anyone takes the slightest issue with the US for something. What is it with you guys and the Europeans anyway? You're a huge hybrid race of Europeans and Africans anyway, so why the hatred for your roots?

Personally, I don't lump a whole country's population in with their governments, now that would be crazy. And I don't make assumptions about all forum members because of the tetchiness of a minority: I'm just put off from the sheer aggression on show sometimes. My brother in law is American and our families had a great time at our home on Christmas Day, even discussing politics with no over-sensitivity on anyone’s part or either of us perceiving our nations’ fundamental values had been 'got at’.

I've always had a soft spot for the US. I'm an avid student of US history and have immense admiration for the early pioneers and the grit at the heart of US culture. I've been on many visits and always loved the welcome and hospitality I experience. Nothing will change that in me.
I hold the same warmth for my many long-standing US friends on this forum. I just wish some forum members wouldn't take the odd note of criticism as a full-on, all-out attack on the fundamental ethos of the US as a country, responding with barely-disguised rage. Over the last few decades some folks in the US seems to have a developed an alarming “they're out to get us, the ungrateful swines” psyche. I'm puzzled as to the origin of this.

Music brought us all together, let’s stay together. A Happy and Peaceful New Year to all.
I’ll maybe drop by again at some time in the future.

Skyline #50898 12/28/09 07:25 AM
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Wishing a happy and peaceful New Year to you too Skyline.

I hope I wasn't one who came across as vindictive. My post was meant to explain that we have plenty of problems, and the gun issue is not the problem, (sometimes it is the solution). That seemed to have become the focus of the thread. Without knowing how things are here it is easy to assume.

you said-
" some folks in the US seems to have a developed an alarming “they're out to get us, the ungrateful swines” psyche. I'm puzzled as to the origin of this."

The US has plenty of problems right now, but we are trying to get thru them .. I personally wish we would focus more on our own problems as opposed to the world's.
Right here in Detroit they attempted to take another shot at us over the weekend with another plane. I can almost understand why people get defensive. Seems like we are a target a lot of the time. Maybe its like that everywhere, but its fairly new to us, being attacked like that.

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rharv #50899 12/28/09 09:21 AM
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Well spoken, Skyline.

Like i said above, the only thing truely that irritates me ( and let me assure you, every red blooded american) is questioning the motives of a country joining the Europian conflict .( and sacrificing almost a half a million men) To us, it sounds unbeleiveably ungrateful. If i misunderstood the guy then my bad. But if that's an attitude that is pervassive throughout your society, then that is abjectly mystifying to us.

I've never been to England but a couple of buddies have. One said he felt like he was constantly being condesended to by the folks there. The other said the folks were incredibly polite and accomodating. I'm sure if we were all sitting down at a table having a beer talking about this stuff, we'd realize that we are much more alike with each other than not. But it's easy to misconstrue folks' intent when you cant look them in the eye and hear the tenor in there voice or inflection. That's probably why folks fron both sides of the pond are so quick to snap to judgement. I'm as guilty as anyone of you guys in that regaurd.So, for that; I do appologize. Happy New Years...:)

swanman #50900 12/28/09 09:24 AM
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Of course,after a few beers and being half Irish, I'd have to kick your brit candy ass. But then I'd help you up, by you another beer and tell you how much I love ya.

alan S. #50901 12/28/09 09:47 AM
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...and i dont see whats wrong in defending yourself or your family in extreme danger in this way if there is no other alternative.

Defend themselves with what, Alan? In your world that would be a cell phone so the cops show up in 10 minutes if you're lucky? Maybe you're a wannabe UFC fighter so you're going to go up against two armed thugs hand to hand?
Drug smugglers have proven time and time again that anything the criminals want can and will get into any country including whatever guns they need.
Again, defend themselves with what??


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How come the same people who believe so much in the right to bear arms never seemto understand that church and state are supposed to be separate. I guess it's Constitution-a-la-carte for them.

Like the man said, "ain't that a kick in the head!"
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I own guns, and have no problem with the idea of separation of church and state. But, since every coin the U.S. produces says 'In God We Trust', and the reason for moving here in the first place was to practice religious freedom, I think that we need to go back and see what 'separation of Church and State' really means.

In fact, what it truly means is that no Church or religious body shall be in a position of government. So, the local diocese of the Catholic Church is not going to be in the halls of Congress setting forth legislation. Of course, we all know that even religious organizations have political action committees, adherent followers, and outspoken lay people who will attempt to influence legislation and legislators, just as any other organization.

However, the concept was that the Church would not hold sway over the governing agencies, other religions, or such.

Things like prayers in school, the Ten Commandments being displayed in a court house, or other such trivial items are not what the First Article of the Constitution intended.


I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!
swanman #50904 12/28/09 12:43 PM
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>>>...the only thing truely that irritates me ( and let me assure you, every red blooded american) is questioning the

Speak for yourself, Swanman. You do not speak for me, and, last time I checked, you had not been elected to speak for the majority of Americans.


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Very well spoken.

Here in WV, we probably have one of the highest percentage rates of gun ownership in the USA. We also have one of the lowest violent crime rates in the nation.

The vast majority of our violent crimes invlove drugs. Break in's are rare, especially if the homeowners are at home.

I guess the criminals don't like the idea of staring down a 12ga. shotgun or a .357 magnum. Those are 2 good reasons to mind your own business and leave other people and their families and property alone.


WV also has a very low rate of polar bear attacks.

Like the man said, "ain't that a kick in the head!"
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