Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
>> OK, I'll accept that but what exactly does it do for us that simply using D&D doesn't?

- You are working in your DAW, not in two programs at a time.

- The chords you type in your song are saved and opened with your DAW project, not in a separate BB file. If you send a DAW project to your friend, he gets the chords and setup for BiaB as well.

- Settings from the DAW are read in to the plugin. Currently it is just tempo, but we will add more as time goes on. When we add the vst3 version (very soon, in a patch release), it can start to add lots more features. There are lots of cool features that vst3 can do, and they are all on our drawing board.

- It is much simpler to use than BiaB. Remember that many people have asked us for a simple version, and many of these are DAW users unfamiliar with BiaB. Remember the posts about "I showed BiaB to my friend, and he said it looked too complicated". So that's a big plus of it as well. When a DAW user sees a similar chord window popup, with a style selection and a Generate button, it shouldn't get the response "this looks too complicated."

- We expect a new version of the plugin to be released here in a free patch that adds a vst3 and fixes any plugin-not-found by DAW issues. That's in pre-release testing now.

Originally Posted By: rap429


I agree with all of the above as great benefits of the plugin but my experience is that tempo is not read when used in ableton(maybe better in other DAW's), render times are very slow when loading a previously created BIAB song and even slower when trying to use multi riff. When the chords are typed into the plugin itself performance is much better but still slower than RB. While maybe not during this patch are these items that are being addressed?