Danny A,


I exhume you're a keyboard player

I assume that you mean "assume." "Exhume" means to disinter, i.e., to dig up a dead body. One meaning of "assume" is to make an assumption, warranted or otherwise. Signed, your friendly Grammar Nazi. *g*


Forget trying to persuade Danny A to use anything by PG Music or anyone else to create his tracks. He doesn't want something close, he wants note-for-note copies and, apparently, a player with special capabilities. He needs to buy commercial MIDI files with licensing fees built in and load them into whatever he's using now. Then he can revoice and tweak as necessary to attain his apparent verbatim goals.

Danny A again,

I envy you that Terratec Axon. If I ever get the bucks, that will be the follow-on to my Roland VG-88. I thought when I bought it that it had a pitch-to-MIDI converter built in, but nooOOOooo.


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."