After listening, if I don't know who this was and you asked me to guess my first guess would probably be some Rod Stewart demo song that never made an album. I don't think its a very good song, but certainly beats my own songwriting skills.
Either way, regardless of singer, writer, band, recording, etc,... If I look at it on a song for the song itself basic it's all mediocre in the scope of pop rock hits. I'm not trying to minimize a true vocal legend and a unique one at that. But, it sure would have been nice if they called me to sing back ground and play guitar on it. (wishful thinking)
Seams to me his vibrato tends to bend below and back up to pitch quite a lot. I'm 53 and I am often practicing to prevent excessive vibrato in my own voice. Seams my most common technique is to not hold notes very long.
Anyway, it is good to see older musicians out there still hitting it and giving it their best. Well, except for the Oak Ridge Boys. Those guys would do well to stay off of stages. But, then again, maybe one day I'll be planning my own "I Shouldn't Still Be Alive Tour".

Does the noise in your head bother me ?