So.... I think, if you're trying to write modern country, you really need to think outside of the box.

By that, I mean, you can use BB/RB but you have to choose careful the tracks you plan to use and not use the ones that sound too mundane.... if you catch my drift.

Listen to the song you mentioned. Pay attention to the drum track. You're not going to get BB or RB to give you a track like that and.... that drum track is so critical to the feel and groove of the song... without it, you got something less than a hit. Now.... do that same experiment of listening, for each instrument and you will see what I mean. Don't get me wrong.... BB/RB is a superb writing tool, but.... you gotta find ways to be creative to get a hip, cool, unique, modern country sound. While BB is cool, it won't always get you where you want to go.

Live players on the parts, midi parts played by a live player using samples ( I do this on keys and bass ) Because just the chucking away with a cool groove on an acoustic guitar might be the spice needed to give a tune that unique quality that the BB acoustic, while sounding good, doesn't quite accomplish.

Anyway... that's my take on creating a modern hit sound.

A good example..... try using just BB/RB to recreate accurately, any of the great rock or country songs of recent years. Dang near impossible without resorting to live players on a few of the tracks.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.