Originally Posted By: floyd jane


All the above accolades are warranted and deserved. EQ problems?..eh..NO, none at all!

Thank you FJ. I don't mean to disagree; but it's a tad muddy. I didn't EQ it beyond a 4 band compressor for quick reference. Dropping instruments out at key points so they don't bump into each other would help as would just flat our proper EQ. I don't even know if most people would even hear the synths from the second verse on.

There's work to do there; I'm just not one to do that part of it. lol Thanks though!

A truly EXCELLENT use of these lyrics. None better. They work as "metal lyrics" - like that was meant to be. Zowie.

I had to find a rhythm to make them "flow" in the right feel. They were really fun to work with.

As far as I can tell, you never specifically said that the vocal is you? It is INCREDIBLY GOOD! Off-the-charts-good. A voice meant for ROCK!! I listened a number of times JUST to key on IT. (I listened other times to key on other aspects - each deserving it's "own listen").

Not me! In fact, had it been me your comment would have read...

"As far as I can tell, you never specifically said that the vocal is you? It's INCREDIBLY BAD! Off-the-charts-bad. A voice meant for SILENCE!!" smile

AWESOME drums! (They definitely got their own listen). Solid. You can't do that type drumming and "get away with sloppy". Tight as *@#*^@#(!!! Dang. (I do think Nickelback's drums are mixed just a smidge louder smile just a smidge). Truly. Awe. Inspiring. (That has GOT to be exhausting!!!)

Those are me. I really enjoy doing them. I feel like they change the the feel of the BIAB tracks. It's fun to play around and come up with various parts. Nickelback's are both louder and produced better. That's getting into more than I was willing to do at this point. I keep saying I will; but honestly, it's more than I want to tackle right now.

Great use of the BAND! Without a doubt the best metal we have ever heard. Even without spending a bunch of time on the getting-picky-with-the-lead, it fits perfectly.

Great mix. Cranked as loud as possible this sounds great. Metal with Warmth. That can't be easy to accomplish.

I've heard a few numetal sounds I would like to try out; but also don't want to be known as the metal guy around here. I like a lot of different styles and will try a few of those before returning to rock. Very nice of you to say.

What a treat. The "break" at 2:01 was crazy good!

I really enjoy production and arranging. To me, and this might be rare, it's plays into the writing of the song, without being lyrics, melody, or harmony. Yet, it shapes the song nearly as much.

Please do A WHOLE LOT MORE!!!

No comment. I bet you thought I would ever say that! wink



Last edited by HearToLearn; 01/21/19 04:18 PM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.