Originally Posted By: Belladonna
Hi Kenny, Really good song. The title/hook was intriguing. This is my 3rd FAWM and I do enjoy it. I feel pretty good about my songwriting process, so don't really need to do FAWM, but I find the people inspirational and I like to see the creativity, what they come up with and how, just as you have explained in your song. I find that very interesting. I find it true that writing from a prompt for me is not always successful. My best songs have come from a really good title that inspired me and something that connected with my life experience. However, professional writers write everyday and they have to write for various projects and be good at it and maybe it's not something they relate to. I remember one long time songwriter, his name escapes me, but he always said "Some people say songs should strike like lightning, so its good that lightning strikes for me every day at 9:00 am". I like that. For me it's like a gym work-out keeping the muscles toned and stimulating the grey cells, so that when you do get that great inspiration, you can do a song justice. I watched that video posted here the other day about the musician who wrote over 4,000 songs and had access to great bands and only about 15 or so of his songs got in the top ten on the charts. I think probably a lot of those over 1,000 written were probably really good songs, but there's so much out there these days. But the point is he wrote a lot of songs and I'm sure they weren't all from inspiration, for him it was a work week.

Another thing I've learned from FAWM is that it gets me outside of my comfort zone. It stimulates me to try something I've never thought of or a genre I've never considered. I learn something new that someone else is doing and it expands my horizons.

Love a lot of your lines and the imaginary they produce. Good vocals and the rock style really fits the emotion of the song. You nailed it!! Congrats.

Thanks Belladonna,

Wow, I really appreciate your listen and very kind words

I look forward to hearing your next song