Originally Posted By: SpaceDog
Janice, Bud, Pete,

Great sound! The vocal and guitar performances are perfect.




Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi there J&B.

I missed my chance to get in first, but maybe this song deserves one more comment!


Well, that says it all really.

Janice, you know by now that I'm just your biggest fan, but you're really flying here.
Wonderful expression and improvisation, plus the humour shining through everywhere. Faultless.

And Peter, what a superb piece of guitar playing, soaring above everything. Loved it.

Yes, and Bud - your mixing just gets better and better old friend. This could not be improved upon!

So, a fabulous song and congratulations to all involved.

Cheers, ROG.

ROG, it’s difficult to express how much your support means to us. We thank you from the bottom of our souls. We are huge fans of your productions and that makes your kind review even more meaningful. And, as always, your remarks put a HUGE smile on Janice!!!