
Ehmmm, maybe something is mixed up now. I ment the drag and dropping feature, by clicking "plug-in-mode" in which I cannot see a relation as Biab being a plugin. It is not integrated, nor rewired through the DAW so no connection with a certain program is made. So I would not consider that a "plug-in"mode, but just a drag/drop feature... Correct me if I see things wrong again (as I often do...)

I get it now.

Calling the feature, "DAW plugin" on the toolbar and such is a mislead imo also. People know what "plugin" means in the sense of DX or VST and this is not that at all, it is actually better called, "DAW Window" IMO.

Well, it is what it is.

And what it is can be a powerful tool that should only get better with time.
