Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi Janice, Bud and Peter,

I congratulate you all on a seriously magnificent effort. This is incredibly "listenable". (That 'eagles/weasels' rhyme really got my attention. How creative is that! smile

The writing, the arrangement and the production truly sparkle with polish and professionalism. The sound is great. It's the sort of over-arching sound that I would love to be able to achieve when I produce something.

Bud and Peter, while I don't know who did what, your combined work has created a great instrumental backing and solos. Kudos to you!

And Janice's singing... at the risk of sounding banal because of hyperbolic overload, the words that came into my head as the song played were: superb; love it!; Janice really knows how to craft super melodies; I'd love to be able to sing a tenth as good; competence and skill everywhere; a real joy to listen to. Then when the scatting arrived, the very first thought that came to mind was "ELLA FITZGERALD". Janice's ability to extemporise is of the highest order. Wonderful stuff indeed!!!

It's been so long since I've typed anything much on these forums that my fingers seem to be suffering from muscle fatigue!

I apologise for being so very late.

All the best to everyone,

Noel, good to hear from you! You are too kind regarding the lyric. So much blues including most of mine is just a platform for the soloists and singers to do their thing on. I wish other genre lyrics would come as easy smile

Regarding the over arching sound...I don't think I would've achieved that w/o Waves LinMB. My experience with that multi-band compressor on the stereo buss has been very positive over the years for many songs.

Janice LOVES Ella and for you to mention her gives Janice a HUGE and humble smile! As nearly always it was one take. When she's ready...she's ready smile

Thank you so much for the listen and your time to offer such supportive comments. We appreciate you.


Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
Great tune, but especially loved going from SCAT as a lyric to actually scat singing, what a great device!

Thanks! We thought that would work and it's cool to have someone mention it.
