I have done this but no sound. Well at least sometimes no sound - unless loaded into the default slot (top of the DXi window).

I think there is something very strange going on here. TruePiano will only load as a default VSTI in the top 'track' slot, and in the first slot, which also simultaneously changes the 'track' slot. When I load it here then everything is piano but I can hear it at least.

If I try to load TruePainos elsewhere - i.e. the other 3 slots/add vst plugin, then it flashes and disappears. I got similar behaviour in BIAB.

Also, if I CREATE a new track then sometimes I can't seem to get the midi to sound at all - at present I have a second track and this is showing rock organ but I can't hear that.

So now I am starting a new project:

At present I have a new file loaded and have set track 4 to distorted guitar on Channel 1. For some reason this is changing the sound for channel 6 whic is loaded with a xylophone (I can se the pic) and this is on channel 0. If I change either sound, they both change.

If I load a new ready made song then it all seems to work. However if I try to add a new track dont seem to have any live keyboard input, though a copied midi input from some other track seems to get things sounding.
Spec below

Last edited by ZeroZero; 01/03/10 03:10 AM.

Win 11 64, Asus Rog Strix z390 mobo, 64 gig RAM, 8700k