HI Mac,
I think it wortks liKe this:

with "re-route the MIDI playback to a default synth" ALL
MIDI gets directed to the default synth - no matter what. SO if its checked, then its no go for ALL other VSTs regardless - they dont get playback routed to them. (As I understand it as a novice)

So if you want your default synth AND other VSTs you have to do it all manually. Option 3 of the right click track menu " Set all tracks to default DXI...." can help make things a little quicker, but its still a manual process really.

Its all working now, it was just a little obscure to me.. a little counterintuitive from where I come from Cubase land.

Anyways a big thanks to you to I can see you are a major asset to the forum and have helped me already.

Win 11 64, Asus Rog Strix z390 mobo, 64 gig RAM, 8700k