Agree with David and Dan, Bob. For my part, I wanted to love RB, especially since it's included in the hefty cost of BIAB Audiophile (it's worth it!). I continue to use RB, and have produced charted singles with it, but it's problematic. Sorry, it is. The editing features, zoom and panning into the Tracks window are primitive, It's only 32-bit, and though I purchased jBridge, 64-bit plugin performance is not seamless. It doesn't support VST3, which is important for some of the best 3rd party plugins. Although I have a robust PC, there are still occasional lockups and a less frequent crash. The volume node feature doesn't work well. You can't automate subgroup sliders with multiple channels assigned to them. I'm very happy RB works flawlessly on your end. It doesn't here, and other sophisticated users have experienced problems. Now, with the advent of the DAW Plugin for BIAB, my belief is that RB will not be updated, and will remain a so-so, 32-bit, VST1-2 program, which frustrates me, because again, I wanted to love it. I paid for it, I understand it fairly expertly, and I love the analog look of the UI. Again, can you produce a great sounding track with it? Yes. But in my experience, with lots of unnecessary work. Peace.

Best, Warren

Warren A. Keller- Woodwindist/Producer
Spontaneous Groovin' Combustion
Tune 9 Music- SESAC