It's the DP03 SD -- 8 track, 2 inouts. I have been meaning to replace it with the 24 SD 8 inputs, but the good ol 03 just keeps going. If there is a learning curve, I'd rather have it land in the winter. Zoom makes good stuff, too, but TEAC and I go back a long way.
You know that most everyone is going to computer recording, which is fine. The companies have responded with what they are calling computer friendly units, still store to cards. The DAWs can't be beat for post production, at this point, my opinion. You didn't ask for a speech....
What are you using, Jim?

Last edited by edshaw; 08/18/19 01:16 PM.

Link: (Feel Free to Use)
Biab for WIN 2020 -- Win 10 64bit -- Reaper/Audacity
Zoom R-16 -- Tascam DP-03-SD -- SoundTap -- Crescendo --