Thanks for the response, Jim. I'll take a look at your link. I did a bit of googling after posting the above message, and found the name of the Linux utility. It's called GParted. A bit more reading reveals that it can clone drives, but that it appears set up primarily to clone Linux partitions. So the clone software I used must have been another Linux utility. That seems to jog my memory correctly (the last time I cloned a disk was probably five years ago).

Actually, I don't really need to remove the partition that MS installed, I just need to stretch it out so that it fills all available space on the jump drive. Which is something that's easy to do with GParted.

I went ahead and dl'd the latest version of GParted, just so I have a copy, and I'll continue to search for that Linux utility that I used to clone drives.

Cloning drives is very useful. Say I want to upgrade the hard drive in my computer to one that is a lot bigger. But I don't want to have to reinstall everything. Well, I can clone the old drive's contents onto the new drive, but what happens is, an exact copy is made, all the way down to the old partition size. That's where GParted comes in. I can take my freshly cloned drive, and using GParted, either stretch the new partition so that it occupies all drive space, or I can create additional partitions to occupy the additional drive space. I frequently do both -- I'll enlarge the existing partition and create one or two additional partitions for the remaining space.

I'm just about at that point on my laptop where I need to get a new, larger hard drive, the main one. It's 1 TB and has only about 100 GB of room left. So time for a 2 TB drive, I'm figuring. When I do the install, I'll have to use both a clone utility and GParted to complete things.

Oh, and by the way, I'm not really a Linux user either, although I have played around with it some. The cool thing about these utilities is you burn them to bootable CDs. They install a basic Linux kernel into system RAM only, from which they performs all their actions.

Last edited by cooltouch; 01/13/20 02:39 AM.